4/12/21 – Christmas Shoot
After a week of rain, the skies cleared and we had a humid but fine end of year celebration. The mowing fairies had also been to the range, and it looked immaculate for our last day of shooting. Shooting commenced early at 10:00 am with a 15 shot match and then a BBQ lunch and the yearly presentations.
Conditions at 600 were a little tricky at times, and some had better conditions than others. The conditions did its normal thing for this time of year, a little from the right, then a little from the left and mirage going one way and wind going the other.
Our Christmas shoot is always calculated as a conversation shoot, so we either transfer TR scores to FClass or FClass to TR scores. This year it was FClass to TR conversion.
We had a great turnout for the day with 28 shooters with friends and family joining us for lunch and afternoon presentations.
Everyone was asked to bring a trophy for the table and top pick for the day was top scorer Michelle F (TR) on 75.3, the only possible on the range for the day. Dave B (FO)was second 74.5 (89.5) and Colin C (TR) on 73.9 and David R (TR) 72.3. the rest of the scores are in the table below.
The day was also a bit sad, as we bid goodbye and good luck to Karen and Colin as they make their way north to enjoy retirement. Karen has been a member of North Arm for 50 years and Colin 40 years. Both have contributed to the club extensively over their time and their knowledge and history of the club and their friendship will be greatly missed.
We also say “thank you for your service” to one of our volunteers, Jennifer S. Jennifer has worked in the kitchen for many years, first starting under the guidance of June Sommer and Dot Davison, and when those Ladies retired, Jennifer was handed the baton to continue to support the club. Jennifer has decided that it is time for someone else to take on the role of organising the kitchen for the Prize Meetings. We thank her for her dedication over the years, as we know the kitchen is one of the most important roles for a Prize Meeting. Jennifer, we thank you for your many years of service and hope you enjoy your retirement.